Sure, you learn about left brain versus right and the role of different brain structures and the complex interactions that contribute to creativity. You learn about different company approaches to boost creativity, about 3M and shakespeare and community. But it doesn't get to the specifics - how research on Broadway translates to practical application to small theater or even that it does.
To be fair, it's about "how creativity works" and not how to apply what you've learned. Because it's lacking that important specificity, you'll get the most out of this book if you have an invested interest and already have some ideas about creativity, then this book becomes important in that it provides good information and has great potential to inspire. If you have the foundation you'll be more apt to make connections, though the book itself can serve as a foundation for you to make your own connections about your life, creative ventures and workplace.
Overall, it's well written, so at the very least it'll be an easy read, but I can't help but think some might say of this book "yes, that's interesting, but so what?"
- Josh