This entry is bursting at the seams with creativity! First, listen to the haunting Youtube video below.
According to Trent Reznor via the Ghosts website,
“This collection of music is the result of working from a very visual perspective - dressing imagined locations and scenarios with sound and texture; a soundtrack for daydreams”
On creating the entry, Reznor explains, “The rules were as follows: 10 weeks, no clear agenda, no overthinking, everything driven by impulse. Whatever happens during that time gets released as… something”
So, not only is Ghosts I-IV a great backdrop for creativity but is also a creative experiment. Did I mention that it’s DRM (Digital Rights management) Free! (means you can share and remix the work (while making sure to attribute the work appropriately, not using it for commercial purposes, and distributing the work under the same or similar license)).
Also, there was a Reznor organized Youtube film festival, “an experiment in collaboration and a chance for us to interact beyond the typical one-way artist-to-fan relationship.” (source: Wiki)
Have fun. Now get creating!
- Josh