The right melody at the right time can denote the arrival of an antagonist or accent a devastating tragedy, but it can do more than that...
It can suggest how to react when it is otherwise ambiguous, it can even stimulate though as to the intentions of a character or the meaning of an event when a haunting score is the last of the movie or T.V. experience to fade to black.
Music can have the power to move us, both emotionally and physically. A special song alone can bring a tear to our eye, while another might incite anger. Sometimes music can trigger the recall of memories. Physically, a beat can get you tapping your feet, bobbing your head and dancing. If you need to hit the gym, you might blast some tunes to get you pumped.
In health care, music can be used for relaxation. There is Music Therapy, as well as music used to help with guided imagery. It is said that children should listen to music. That also, people might benefit from picking up and learning an instrument to stimulate the brain.
Music is such a powerful thing. It can be incredibly personal and have far greater depth and many more uses than described here. With such potential for inspiration, it can make for an excellent tool to be used when creating.
At times when I write, I escape into the solitude of a private room. No distractions. Just writing. In some cases even the lowest amount of music, no matter how sweet, can keep me from getting into my work.
But other times, when I may be thinking about story plot, imagining a scene or even sometimes while writing, the right music has helped get those creative juices flowing.
Make sure to write “Music” down as a tool for creating in whatever it is you do. It’s worth experimenting with. Try it if you experience a block. Be sure to add diversity. Explore tunes you’ve never heard before. There is no telling what might come out when you let music pass through you.