“Don’t leave for tomorrow what you can get done today”
“If you don’t know where you are going, you’ll end up someplace else”
“If you aim at nothing, you’ll hit it every time”
It’s about purpose. About direction and grabbing hold your life and taking control of it. Here’s what I know and share about goal setting that might be helpful:
Write down your goals, committing them to paper is helpful in increasing your likelihood of success.
On Your list, leave room for checkmarks or cross off accomplished goals as you go. You’ll get a fair representation of what’s left to do but also will see what you actually DID to work towards your goals.
Make a list. Seeing what lies ahead not only helps with organisation and time management but can also take weight of those “things to do” thoughts floating around in your mind. You know those things that keep some up at night.
Prioritize! What needs to get down first? how important is this? Ability to prioritize in itself is a life skill to be developed and mastered.
Break your goals down. Really get down to step by step if you have to.
Tell people about your goals. Key here is that this is helpful in motivating because it makes you accountable. It’s not useful if there’s no accountability.
Challenge yourself, but be realistic. Success gives you momentum; failure will drain you if you’re not careful, especially when you’re just getting started.
Make your goals specific and time sensitive, that is that, you should know ahead of time what it means to succeed or fail.
Define your success in terms of behaviour. It’s what you DO, not whether or not it was well received, or how you felt or thought about it.
Celebrate success
Add Incentive
Make your challenges important; make them stepping stones in achieving what it is you want in life.
Examine conditions leading to failure. Grow. Allow yourself disappointment, (its only normal to feel it) but concentrate your effort to focus on gleaning information about yourself that you need to move forward. Often times there are patterns begging to be corrected (Like patterns of procrastination). Correct them.
There are a number of conditions and states, both physical and mental that can add extra challenge to achieving your goals (e.g. ADHD, Depression, Sleep deprived, malnourished, prone to procrastinate, and perfectionist to name a few). Explore what added challenges are unique to you. Own them and develop skills tailored to you. Ask for help if you need it.
Oh, and if you procrastinate and/or are a perfectionist (including if you’re wondering whether you are either of those two), Check out these modules for self betterment at the “Centre for Clinical Intervention” via Google, or:
“Perfectionism in perspective”
“Put off procrastinating!!!”
Pass it on.