It’s a dark and unforgiving adventure that has the main character running the abomination infested labyrinths beneath his house to escape his crazed mother. Take a look:
It’s a great throwback and excellent skeleton off which to pin this grim gaming experience. While it has no continues (meaning you start over each time you run out of life), It’s got enough diversity with it’s random dungeon generation – bosses, items and baddies included – that’ll keep you coming back for more.
That being said, the game’s probably darker than some would like. I mean, your main weapon is the tears your character’s crying… That’s how frightened and disturbed he is! Watch the videos above again to decide if you could stand the sometimes exceptionally gruesome experience.
Good? Good. Now head over to Steam to purchase it. It’s worth the money.
Steam Link HERE
The Binding of Isaac is a 2011 Steam release by Edmund McMillen and Florian Himsl (with a great soundtrack by Danny Baranowsky (associated with Super Meat Boy)).
- Josh
FYI - Pin and Lanmola Comparison:
Link for Pin details HERE via Wiki
Link for Lanmola details HERE via Zelda