This week end, pick up: “Back to the Future”
Embark, even if unsure into the adventure and discover as Marty does how interesting time travel can be and what implications there are for a traveller in interacting with people of the past. Ever wonder how things were well... way back when? Like maybe how dear ol mom and dad were? No? Maybe Marty neither; that is until he actually meets up with his young parents in situations that are not only funny, odd and even unsettling, but also somewhat deep and fascinating. Add to that trying to get back home all the while worrying about the fate of an old friend. It’s an excellent exercise in time travel.
Seen it before? Well, maybe it’s time you go back – back to back to the future that is! I recently saw the Trilogy on Blue ray at Wall Mart – 15$ (Canada, N.B.).It looks magnificent on the BD (that’s how I’d recommend you watch it). It’s likely too that you’ll find this at your local movie rental store. Best part is, as I mentioned, it’s a trilogy – 2 and 3 are both a great watch too.
Just remember: “Your future is whatever you make it. So make it a good one”