This week end, pick up: “Billy Madison”
Can you believe that this sophisticated movie got negative reviews on its release? Today it only holds a 46% at rotten tomatoes, and 16 out of 100 at Metacritic... Maybe it had something to do with a certain goofy argument over which is better – shampoo or conditioner... Thing about this flick is. It’s that it’s not really smart. It knows that. It’s a no-brainer. Just plain ol uninhibited fun.
Movie critics aside, those of us who love a good laugh and feel that this movie’s comedic tastes are not below us can usually agree that this Sandler masterwork is a comedy classic. It made over 25 million dollars worldwide according to wiki. It helped highlight Sandler as an icon and was played over and over again in high school and college students’ movie players everywhere.
So this week end, earn back father’s respect and revisit elementary school on up with Billy. You’ll be glad you did.
Oh, and don’t forget to call up Danny Mcgrath (Steve Buschemi) and tell him you feel sorry about what happened in high school.